Layanan Kami

Solusi profesional dan akurat untuk kebutuhan survei pengukuran dan pemetaan tanah.

Survei Pengukuran Tanah

Kami menyediakan layanan survei pengukuran tanah yang akurat dan terpercaya untuk berbagai kebutuhan.

A person wearing a white hard hat and high-visibility vest operates a surveying instrument, focusing intently on the task at hand. The background is blurred with hints of other construction activities or team members.
A person wearing a white hard hat and high-visibility vest operates a surveying instrument, focusing intently on the task at hand. The background is blurred with hints of other construction activities or team members.
Pemetaan Topografi

Layanan pemetaan topografi kami membantu dalam perencanaan wilayah dan pengembangan infrastruktur yang efektif.

A concrete survey marker embedded in a larger stone, featuring a round metal disc with engraved text from the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The marker is surrounded by soil and foliage, with sunlight casting shadows.
A concrete survey marker embedded in a larger stone, featuring a round metal disc with engraved text from the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The marker is surrounded by soil and foliage, with sunlight casting shadows.
Foto Udara

Foto Udara kami menggunakan unit UAV dan dibekali Kamera beresolusi tinggi untuk pemetaan wilayah anda.

Pemasangan Patok Batas Tanah

Layanan pemasangan tanda batas baik keperluan pendaftaran hak atas tanah maupun tujuan lain. Selain membantu Klien dalam memenuhi persyaratan kadastral,juga memberikan informasi mengenai ada tdaknya penguasaan tanah oleh pihak lain dll.

Galeri Proyek

Lihat hasil survei dan pemetaan kami yang profesional dan akurat.

Projek Terbaru

Kami menawarkan solusi survei dan pemetaan tanah profesional.

A round metallic survey marker embedded in the ground, inscribed with text including 'BRITISH SURVEY,' 'COLUMBIA BRANCH,' and warning about removal penalties. The marker is surrounded by patches of brown and green vegetation.
A round metallic survey marker embedded in the ground, inscribed with text including 'BRITISH SURVEY,' 'COLUMBIA BRANCH,' and warning about removal penalties. The marker is surrounded by patches of brown and green vegetation.
Layanan Terbaik

Kami menyediakan layanan survei pengukuran, pemetaan topografi, dan pemasangan batas wilayah untuk mendukung kebutuhan infrastruktur Anda secara akurat dan efisien.

A person wearing a high-visibility safety vest and a beanie stands outdoors, operating a theodolite mounted on a tripod. The background includes the facade of a residential building with balconies.
A person wearing a high-visibility safety vest and a beanie stands outdoors, operating a theodolite mounted on a tripod. The background includes the facade of a residential building with balconies.
Inovasi Pemetaan

Dengan teknologi drone dan UAV, kami menawarkan pemetaan digital yang akurat, mendukung perencanaan wilayah dan pengembangan properti yang terpercaya.